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Step over the edge

I want to share with you all, my brave, but VERY scary deed I did... 
What? You ask... well I jumped off a bridge... 
Why? You may well ask.. for charity! 

I HATE HEIGHTS... yes so why did I do it? Because it's good to step off the edge of your comfort zone, now and again...

I was nervous but exhilarated, until I got to the top of that wall... 
Then OMG... seriously I couldn't do it, I was all strapped up, attached to all the safety equipment... But no, I couldn't bring myself to (as they said) "just lean forward and drop over the edge" 
What did I do, you ask, well I told them I couldn't do it, they unhooked me and trembling I climbed back down and cried, shook and trembled. 
The people I was with checked I was ok, I told them to carry on... 
Eventually I gathered my guts back off the ground, tucked them back into my pants. (With the help of some very lovely people) plucked my courage up and climbed back up... 

I climbed up, folded my arms overs my chest, like they told me, crossed my ankles, like they told me, closed my eyes and fell off the bridge. 

I was to scared to even scream... 

When I did open my eyes, it was virtually over. The guys at the other end said "grab the rope" HAHAHA did they really think I was letting go to grab it.... 

I did, but it was the second time they threw it to me... I sort of made a half hearted grab with my arm. They pulled me in and then I had to stand up! Easier said than done. Lastly there was a staircase to climb down, good job it had handrails.... 

Safe to say, I will never do that again... 

Even if between 7 of us we raised over £700 for charity.


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