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This morning was an interesting morning, it reminded me that my children are... well children!
The school rush this morning was decidedly funny. My eldest was getting ready (and is in year 10 now) shouted down the stairs "Can you drive me to school mum, as I'm running late" I then replied "yes". Previously to this I had promised my 7 year old son that he could walk to school (he was very excited about this) then I'd remembered that I had to pop into his school to pick something up. We had had a slightly aerated conversation. Than come to the decision that I would just follow slowly behind and get what I needed then come home.
Well once I'd agreed to drive my daughter to school he did a dance and threw his self on the floor in complete disgust saying that "he hated his sister" and "why couldn't she walk to school"!
Many minutes later  we are all in the car and waiting at traffic approaching the roundabout "I've forgotten to get my letter" my daughter exclaims. To which point I quickly give the car a once over to see if there is any paper on which to write a letter. No joy. So around the roundabout we go back to the house, I say to my son that if he wants to he can walk to school, OVERJOYED would be the word to describe him. So piece of paper picked up from the house with excuse for daughter written on it. Happy 7 year old walking to school.
Driving through the traffic again to drop older one at school just in the nick of time. Result... !


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